PLC News

Professional Learning Community Foundation  (Preps)

Wow! Week four already, our preps have now started counting down the days until Grade 1! 


In Numeracy, we have been learning to count backwards. Ask your child how many days we have left of school and see if they can count backwards from that number. We have also been developing our ordinal number skills, just in time for SPORTS DAY! The students really enjoyed playing the game bunnies in the burrow, and ordering teddies in the race to 20.


Throughout our Reading lessons, we have been exploring different texts through book studies. These under the sea themed books linked nicely with our upcoming Writers’ Festival. Some of our favourite books from the past 2 weeks included The Rainbow Fish and Commotion in the Ocean. 


This past week in Writing, the Prep students have been finalising their Writers’ Festival piece. Each student has been working super hard to make sure their piece is neat and has correct spelling. We are really excited for our assembly presentation on Friday (at 9am), if you can come along to join us that would be FANTASTIC!

A couple of friendly reminders:

  • Please make sure your child’s jumpers and coats are labelled! With this crazy weather, jumpers have been on and off frequently. If they’re labelled it’s much easier to find their home if they go missing. 
  • NO HAT NO PLAY, if your child has misplaced their hat, please purchase a new one from the office and write their name clearly on the inside.
  • Pevan and Sarah Concert, please check Compass for the consent form/payment (if you have not already).
  • Lastly, as the weather is warming up, please make sure your child is coming to school each day with a full and labelled drink bottle (water only). 


Have a wonderful week!

The Prep Team.

Professional Learning Community 1  (Grade 1 )

What a wet and woolly few weeks it has been! We hope you all have been able to stay dry and safe.


We are gearing up for the Writer’s Festival on Friday and have been hard at work publishing our writing pieces, creating some beautiful artworks and making decorations for the displays going up in the hallways.

We can’t wait for you to read and see our creations about sparkling seahorses, jiggly jellyfish and floppy fish!


In Reading this week we have been reading some hilarious books written by Zoe Foster-Blake, including “No one likes a fart”, “Back To Sleep” and “Scaredy Bath” and summarising them using “Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then”.


We had a lot of fun in Numeracy last week going “shopping” by using our knowledge of money. This week we are using our addition and subtraction strategies to add and subtract numbers. 


Our tadpoles have been growing bigger by the day and we have been observing them closely while we create posters and books in PBL with lots of information about the life cycles of frogs, chickens and butterflies.



Professional Learning Community 2 (Grade 2 ) 

The Grade 2s have been very busy with publishing their writing pieces ready for Writers’ Festival to Numero Championship practice to sleeping over at school. Where last Thursday, the Grade 2s slept over at school and participated in a range of activities including; arts and crafts, outdoor games, decorating biscuits, playing on the ipads and making granny grass heads, before enjoying some yummy pizzas for dinner. Well done to the students for being amazing and for showing the Delacombe Values throughout the night! A special mention to the extra staff who helped out the Grade 2 teachers to make it a fun night for all the students.


In learning, the students have finished off their descriptions of ‘Under the Antarctic Ocean’ where they have all published it using some beautiful handwriting. We cannot wait to see the hallways decorated and displaying the students amazing writing and artwork. Please come and check out this Friday morning.


In Reading, students have been continuing to work on their individual goals to enhance their reading abilities. While the whole class focus has been on summarising both fiction and non-fiction texts by identifying the need to know information and the irrelevant information. We look forward to seeing all students’ summarising skills excel. 


In Numeracy, we have been busy preparing for the Numero Championship which will take place in Week 5. The students have been exploring the different moves and strategies they can make to beat their opposition. While additionally we have been focusing on number patterns and in particular locating what the pattern is and what the missing numbers are. 


All four Grade 2 classes have been busy observing their class tadpoles grow and move through the different stages of their life cycle. Some tadpoles have turned into froglets and have gained some legs. The next stage is FROGS….


Professional Learning Community 3 (Grade 3)

We are so proud to have completed our Writers’ Festival pieces. We would like to invite you to come and read our writing. We are really proud of how hard we have worked. Keep an eye out for the blue jellyfish to spot 3C’s writing and artwork as you walk through our transformed corridor. 


We have also practiced working out the area of different shapes. We also worked out how many people could stand comfortably in our classroom- which is 61 people!


Our beans are mostly growing and are starting to grow leaves, however some have not even produced roots! Some of our roots have turned black so we need to do some investigating into ideal environments. 


Written by 3C



Professional Learning Community 4 (Grade 4)

This week in Literacy students have been critiquing fiction texts and writing ‘roll a story’ creative pieces. In Numeracy, we are looking at decimal numbers – how to read and order them on a number line. In PBL we are focusing on plants and completed a labelled cross section of a flower. Next we are investigating national emblems and state flowers – if you know any please share with your child.


We are all very excited about the Writers’ Festival! We have worked extremely hard to produce our amazing pieces of writing and artwork. We hope you can come and help us celebrate this special day. Please remember to bring your mobile phone because there will be QR codes to scan and torches will be needed in our area!!! There will be an assembly from 9am onwards, where the winners will be announced.


Remember that in Term 4 students need hats to be able to play, if they don’t have a hat they will play in a shaded area – NO HAT, NO PLAY! Also we have noticed that a lot of student’s uniforms do not have a name on them, please label all clothing, especially – hats and jumpers.


Kind regards,

PLC 4 teachers – Deb, Briella and Lauren

Professional Learning Community 5 (Grade 5)

Two weeks ago we had our leadership day and we are beginning to see many applications come in for all kinds of leadership roles in 2023. We encourage leadership discussions to take place at home with the main idea being that ALL students can lead. You don’t require a title and a badge. Every interaction and every day is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership by always putting our best foot forward. The leadership day was a great event in which students shared their understandings of leadership as well as building on them too. 


This week we have finished publishing our amazing writing for the Writer’s Festival. Our mythical underwater cities have come to life and the quality of the writing from our PLC is nothing short of awe-inspiring. All students have stepped up and put in their personal best with many students achieving at levels never seen before. We cannot wait for the festivities on Friday and look forward to being able to look through the school and see the wonderful writing on display. Please come along on Friday if you are able to and participate in the scavenger hunt and have a read of your child’s writing. 


In Numeracy we are continuign to work on chance and probability with the students becoming more accomplished at linking percentage of chance to their mathcing fractions. This is an easy one to do at home with coins, dice or a deck of playing cards. Ask your children to teach you what they’ve been learning.


Reading has been very interesting over the last week as we have moved into reading the Julian Chapter; a text that runs alongside Wonder which we finished reading recently. After reading Wonder, most of us had our minds made up about Julian, the villian of the story. However, reading things from his perspective has certainly given us plenty of food for thought. The discussions have continued to be strong, robust and reliant on evidence or prior knowledge. We look forward to continue reading this and continually revising what we know and think about Julian.


Have a lovely week!

PLC 5 Team

Professional Learning Community 6 (Grade 6)

Hi everyone, welcome to Week 4. We are well and truly on our way through the term. Over this fortnight we have been so busy putting the finishing touches to our amazing writing pieces (and decorations!!)– and can’t wait to show you all these this coming Friday at our yearly Writers Festival. Just a reminder all friends and parents are more than welcome to come and see our beautiful displays all over the school. 


We are still having weekly visits from the Smith Family – we have been learning about the importance of being organised and the skill of reading a timetable. These are valuable lessons to prepare us as we begin to think about our high school journey!


In Reading we have started reading a new class novel Holes – our reading focus is to be able to identify the author’s purpose. The first few chapters we have read so far have intrigued and challenged us as we attempt to make connections with the main character – ask us why Stanley is in Camp Green Lake! Understanding and making connections with the story we are reading, is building on our skill of comprehension and our ability to be able to summarise what we have read!


The countdown is on, Christmas will be upon before we know it! In numeracy we are thinking about Christmas and are creating shopping lists for our loved ones of what we think they may like! We have to research items, make a list (including prices) and then apply various discounts across the week – all whilst sticking to a budget! 


Enjoy the sunshine – over and out