Writers' Festival 2022

Take a Dive… Under the Sea!

We would like to invite you to our annual Writers’ Festival, our first open to the community since 2019, on Friday 28th October 2022. The celebration will commence at 9:00am in our beautiful stadium with award winners and students’ presentations. The assembly will finish at approximately 10:00am and you will then have an opportunity to take a journey through our corridors and witness the magic. Once you’ve read through all of the amazing writing, we invite you into our kitchen for a coffee and some morning tea. The festivities will conclude at 11:00am. 


This year we will take you on an adventure ‘Under the Sea’ as we showcase our incredible writing, demonstrating high quality powerful writing strategies and rich vocabulary. All 511 students have drafted and published carefully crafted descriptive texts that are on display throughout our decorated corridors, alongside complementary pieces of art; immersing you in an underwater wonderland.


We pride ourselves on our high standards and love celebrating our students, so we’d love to share our impressive writing with you.