Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Dear Parents & Guardians,


I want to start this week’s newsletter by giving a thought to all the people around our country that are currently dealing with the flood crisis. Last January we had a storm in Woori that ended up flooding around 30% of the school. The clean-up was just awful but that event is nothing compared to the pictures I’m seeing on the TV each night. I hope to see our junior school council put together a fundraiser for flood relief. Watching people throwing out all of their belongings is just heartbreaking, and I would certainly like to see our school doing something to help.


Vic Roads have erected a new no right turn sign, which means that you can’t turn right into the middle of the kiss and drop, at drop off or pick up times. This may take some adjusting to for some parents. I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of the new sign as we do sometimes get the Police sitting watching at morning and afternoon times. The last thing we want is for anyone to be fined.

Even with the inclement weather we believe the kiss and drop is moving as well as it can. Mary Menta is brilliant at making sure parents understand that they can’t get out of their cars and that everyone needs to keep moving up. 

I know at times the traffic congestion can be frustrating for parents but really the whole area is back to normal each night after around 15 mins. Of course, everything works better with patience. 


A reminder that we require all of our students to wear hats at recess and lunchtime. If students don’t have a hat, they are asked to be in an undercover area which limits what they can do during break times.

This year our students have been really good at upholding our uniform policy. There is still a small percentage of students who are not wearing black shoes and I ask for your support with this as having 100% of our students in full uniform upholds our school motto of ‘Take Pride At All Times’.

If there is a reason why your child is out of uniform, can you please contact the classroom teacher to explain why. Thanks for your help with this.


As a high performing school we do have an obligation to do our best to also help the system at large. We do this by allowing other schools to visit with a facilitated learning walk with Flick and myself. Last week we had Mitcham P.S. visit. In the next few weeks we will also have teachers from Richmond P.S. and Gembrook P.S. visiting. 


We had our first prep transition of the year last week. It’s amazing how quick this comes around and how much it makes me think that our current Preps are nearly in Grade 1.

The transition students had a great time, some of them already in their Woori P.S. school uniform. 

Next week we will begin testing the new Prep students so that our teachers start the year teaching rather than assessing. Thank you to our Prep Team who do such an awesome job. 



This week during the last hour of the day all the students across the school will go to work with students from their next years' year levels. Of course, the teachers from their year levels stay to run the activities but they are not necessarily going to be their teachers for next year. The whole idea of the week is for the students to mix with the students from their new year level. For example, this year’s current Preps will be together with this year’s current grade ones. This will give students more of an idea when they are picking friends, who they would like to be in their grade next year. 


Have a great week!

And remember when life gets a little difficult, escape to the wonderful world of a book!