Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Week 3 Update

What a difference a week makes. The sun came out, the clouds parted and every team in the Junior School was able to take to the courts, fields, and diamonds on Saturday. If memory serves me correctly, this has not occurred since late 2021. Let’s hope that this trend continues and that we get the last four weeks of Summer sport completed in its entirety.


Many families would have noticed that the draft draw has now been removed from the SPC App. The weekly draw, which comes out every Wednesday, will now replace this draft draw. The weekly draw includes all the changes, times, and venue addresses and is the most accurate draw for the coming weekend. If families still wish to view the draft draw it can be found on the College website on the Co-curricular page.


Some advanced notice about a few upcoming events. During Week 5, boys in Year 6 will be on camp. As a result, no Year 6 teams or players will be at training that week. All Year 5 students will train on Monday in combined sessions. There will be no further training in the week.


During Week 7 of this term (it is currently Week 3), the Junior School will hold its annual Co-curricular Presentation night. The night is a celebration of the boys’ efforts across the Co-curricular Program in 2022. The presentation night occurs after school, usually on a Friday, and further details will be released a little closer to the date. Please keep this event in the back of your mind when planning events later in the term.


A reminder to the boys that they should not be wearing Saturday playing attire to mid-week training for sport. Preferably, the boys would be wearing their SPC sports gear or clothing that is suitable for training. At the conclusion of training, boys catching public transport or walking home need to be in either their black College Supporter’s shirt, College crested black shorts, white socks and sandshoes, (College tracksuit optional) or changed into full College uniform. Those boys being picked up at the ‘Kiss and Drop’ area may go home in their training gear.


With only four rounds left in the Summer season, the term and the year will be over in a flash. Let’s keep the hard work going and finish the season and the year off with our best performances. Good luck to all teams this weekend.


John Locke

Junior School Co-Curricular Coordinator 

Junior Sport Fixtures

Click here for the latest Junior Sport fixtures