Junior School

World Teachers’ Day 

This Friday marks the date that Australia officially celebrates World Teachers’ Day, an important opportunity to recognise and applaud the incredible contributions of our teachers as they continue to work tirelessly to improve student outcomes and shape the lives of your children for future success.


In the Junior School, our teachers make a significant and lasting impression on the students they teach. Most adults can remember inspirational teachers and the long-lasting influence they have had on their lives. Great teachers can make a huge difference to how young people feel about themselves and how much they can achieve. 


Great teachers have a passion for improving the lives of young people. They enjoy the learning process, and they also pass on that enthusiasm to their students. Furthermore, great teachers advocate for their students with passion and don’t give up on even the most challenging individual. The most wonderful thing that can happen to a teacher is being there when a child’s face lights up and he or she says, “I understand”.


Sometimes we can make education so complicated that we cannot see 'the wood for the trees'. In reality however, it is very simple; education is about learning, teaching, and gaining the best outcomes for the students at school.


We are enormously proud of our teachers in the Junior School. They impart far more than the curriculum they are asked to deliver; they impart vital life lessons. Our teachers ultimately shape young people into young adults of substance and significance.


A profound education is always the sum of many parts, and I would like to acknowledge the amazing teachers in the Junior School who diligently serve St Patrick’s College and its students on a daily basis.

Navigating Screen Time

For many of our boys, screen time via computers, iPads, social media usage, games and phones is a regular and embedded part of their everyday lives. However, this is often challenging for parents/carers to navigate and establish appropriate boundaries, particularly with the added complexity of peer influence. Evidence highlights that our children are spending an increasing amount of time on their screens and that excessive screen time can negatively impact on their physical and psychological wellbeing.


In light of this research, parents/carers can play an important role in modelling a positive and healthy approach to using screens. Families may wish to consider various ‘screen-free’ times throughout the day, such as during dinner or before bed, when devices are placed in another room or location so that face-to-face interactions can be prioritised.  


The eSafety Commissioner also provides excellent parental advice promoting the importance of helping children to achieve a healthy balance in their online and offline activities. To view this information and the various tips provided, please access the following link: (https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents).


As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.


May God bless you,


Glenn Stephenson 

Director of Junior School

Year 5 School Event - Mooney Mooney Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade

Year 5 students are gearing up for our upcoming onsite event on Friday 28 October 2022 (Week 3, Term 4). Mr Andrew Viney (Leader of Learning – TAS) and his colleagues from the Mooney Mooney Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade have given up their day to showcase and instruct students in various activities related to their volunteer work. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of fire behaviour, pumps and hoses, the importance of a truck manifest, the use of fire extinguishers, rake hoes/drip torches, the use of chainsaws, and portable radios.


Key Information

Date: Friday 28 October (Week 3, Term 4)

Uniform: Students will wear their College Supporter’s uniform (College crested black sports shorts and College Supporter’s shirt) to and from school on this day

Location: St Patrick's College, Strathfield (on College grounds). 


Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation on the day. All donations will go straight to the Brigade to assist in their work with and for the community. It will no doubt be a great learning opportunity for all involved and we thank Mr Andrew Viney and the Mooney Mooney Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade in advance for their planning and facilitation of the day for our learners.


Daniel Fields

Junior School Curriculum Coordinator