Our Fundraising Efforts

Year 9 Market Day (15 June 2022)
In Term 2, the Year 9 students ran a highly successful Market Day using a program known as $20 Boss. Students are given $20 to set up a social enterprise with the intention of making the $20 back with a $1 profit to donate to a social cause.
In total, students made $3,416 with a profit of $494.71. An absolutely fantastic effort. The students have elected to donate the money to Sandringham Hospital which is a thoughtful gesture after the last two years. We look forward to future year levels continuing the community of giving and charity.
Mr Chris Ardi
Flicker of Hope BBQ Fundraiser (10 October 2022)
We were fortunate to have wonderful weather for our BBQ fundraiser on Monday (10 October). We generated a profit of $781. This will be donated to ‘Flicker of Hope’, a charity that supports research for Neurofibromatosis; a rare genetic disorder for which there is currently no cure. A special thanks to students Keely W, Ethan W, Mackenzie F and Leo T for their work on the day.
Mr Peter Bartlett
Assistant Principal
Odd Sock Day (11 October 2022)
Students were invited to wear odd/brightly coloured socks to raise money for 'Get Growing' resilience groups in 2023 and a total of $221 was raised.
Ms Rachel Felmingham
Mental Health Practitioner
The Blue Ribbon Foundation (16 October 2022)
Our Crime Prevention Student Leaders and Student Wellbeing Action Group worked with Moorabbin Police to bring together our first Bayside Community Safety and Wellbeing Festival yesterday. An amazing total of $1797.35 was raised for the Blue Ribbon Foundation. A huge thank you to everyone who donated prizes, baked cakes, bought raffle tickets and came along on the day!
Ms Deb Kirk
Assistant Principal