New 'No Stopping' Restrictions

We’re encouraging safer riding to school with the introduction of new 'No Stopping' restrictions during peak school travel times on Reserve Road in Beaumaris, between Weatherall Road and Gramatan Avenue.
This means Beaumaris Secondary College students can now ride along sections of Reserve Road on a bicycle lane clear of parked vehicles.
New 'No Stopping' restrictions apply:
8am - 9am:
- East side of Reserve Road between Weatherall Road and Clonmore Street
- West side of Reserve Road between Balcombe Road and Gramatan Avenue
3pm – 4pm:
- East side of Reserve Road between Clonmore Street and Cloris Avenue.
These new restrictions will be limited to one hour in the morning and afternoon on school days only, to maximise on-street parking availability for local residents. Existing bus zone and no stopping restrictions remain unchanged.
This initiative responds to the Bayside Integrated Transport Strategy and follows advocacy to Council from Beaumaris Secondary College.