Unit 2 Biology

Zoo Excursion
As part of their Unit 2 coursework, last week the Year 11 Biology classes visited the Melbourne Zoo to participate in a program to study how the adaptations of organisms enhance their survival. This involved an investigation into the adaptations of butterflies and students collected data on their feeding behaviour in the Butterfly House. These observations will contribute to the ongoing database that will allow the zoo to better design their captive environment for different species of butterflies.
Students also investigated a case study on the Southern Corroboree Frog, an endangered species found at Mount Kosciuszko. We looked at the adaptations of these frogs to survive in their habitat and the implications of these adaptations on conservation efforts to re-establish the populations. It also allowed the opportunity to address the bioethical issues that arise when we consider the conservation and recovery program for this species.
Mr Steve Seddon & Ms Amanda Jacobs