Y9/10 Events that Changed the World

Shrine Excursion
On the 4th of October, the “Events that changed the World” class, along with Miss Papadimitriou and Ms Casley, went down to The Shrine of Remembrance. The Shrine of Remembrance was built on the 11th of November 1934 and is located on St Kilda Road in Melbourne, Victoria. The Shrine of Remembrance is not only a place of mourning for young Australian men and woman we lost in battle but is a place where you can see the history of World War I with amazing artefacts and different experiences from others who were involved in the war. We learnt about soldiers in the battlefields and nurses who helped those who were sick and wounded. We began to understand more about the experiences of young men and women who were around our age about what they would have been forced to do, and how they had to take up arms in the war. I found it interesting when we went to the Stone of Remembrance. On the 11th day, of the 11th month, at the 11th hour, the sun shines through a hole situated at the top of the building. On the stone it reads, “greater love hath no man,” and when the light hits the stone one word being “Love” is highlighted by the natural light. All in all, it was a great day and was very interesting.
Ari G (Year 10 student)
Ms Emily Papadimitriou