College Captains' Report

Welcome back!
We hope you enjoyed a wonderful break and are looking forward to the final term of 2022. We started the term off with a whole school assembly where students in the production showcased a snippet of the brilliant 'High School Musical' performance. We also had all our year level leaders keeping us up to date with what each year level did last year, as well as what to look forward to this term. The first week back is always an exciting time but can also be a little tricky to get out of holiday mode.
While it is a nice time to look back on how big of a year it’s already been, the final term is also always a big push for all the year levels. From end of year PBLs to Unit 4 VCE exams to even the BE program, it can certainly feel like a 'final battle' in a big movie. But despite that, it’s a very exciting time as, not only do many hype up the next year, but there are a number of events that are still to come in this term.
Basically, despite the fast year, this will be a memorable term for this school year!
Owen B & Sophie K
College Captains