1/2 K


In 1/2K we have continued to focus on Poetry in writing. 

We practised using different forms of poetry including;

 cinquain (with rules about the types of words to use - nouns, verbs and adjectives),

haiku (making sure each line had the correct number of syllables - 5, 7, 5), 

acrostic (where every line starts with a letter from the title of the poem) and 

rhyming couplets (where the end of each line rhymes).


The children did a fantastic job and chose their favourite poem of the last two weeks to publish to display on our Literacy wall. 


This week we also continued to focus on our creativity and precision drawing. We read the story Annie's Chair where a little girl named Annie loves her warm, cosy, comfortable chair filled with blankets and pillows. The children had to draw Annie's chair and describe it in three sentences using interesting adjective. The next step was to change Annie's chair design to include some items that would make the chair more comfortable, interesting, functional and exciting to use. The children brainstormed many ideas and finally came up with these amazing designs for a new chair.


As part of our focus on Creativity we have been using 'Design Thinking'. We have been considering why objects have been created and what purpose they serve. We have also been looking at why some objects can be made in different ways and with different materials. 

We have been practising the skill of drawing with precision and accuracy, while imagining and innovating. This week we worked with a partner to combine two everyday items into a new invention. The children had to work together to discuss their items and different ways they could combine them to make a new, crazy, exciting invention. They then used their precision drawing skills to draw their new design. 

Prayers in Pyjamas

Just a reminder that all Junior School Families are invited to Prayers in Pyjamas.

Please RSVP by completing the form on the letter sent home to let us know if your family is attending as this will help us organise resources, activities and groupings.