Digital Technologies at

St. John's

Parenting in a Digital World

This Information Evening is relevant for families with children of all ages. Keep an eye out for more information coming home soon.


Australia Computational Thinking Challenge 2020

This year students in Years 3-6 will once again participate in Bebras Australia 2020. Bebras is an international student challenge run by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Education and Outreach through the Digital Careers program. The goal is to promote computational thinking in students in a way that challenges them beyond science or mathematical skills. It uses a number of skills such as pattern recognition, algorithms and logic. Bebras Australia is designed to be accessible and easy to use and is linked to the Victorian Digital Technologies Curriculum.

We use problem-solving in everything that we do – and future jobs will require this even more. Teaching Computational Thinking is not about how to use technology to solve the problem but rather how to understand the problems and identify the tools needed to solve them. Bebras is a challenge, not a competition. The aim is for students to develop a positive impression about Digital Technologies. 

The students will participate in this online challenge in a 45 minute (Years 5 & 6) or a 60 minute (Years 3 & 4) session at school, which will be held in March and again in September. Students who return a signed consent form will receive a participation certificate for each challenge.

For more information go

Consent forms to be returned to your classroom teacher by: Wednesday 4 March 2020