

Respect Awards

St John’s is a School Wide Positive Behaviours School. This means we believe in recognising and encouraging students when they make good choices. This year we will be recognising students who demonstrate acts which go above and beyond in respecting themselves, others and/or property. This will be done in the form of “Respect Awards.”


Congratulations to the following students who received the first Respect Awards at this morning’s assembly: 

Isla (Prep)- for respecting herself by being persistent and having a go when she made a mistake in writing.

Scarlett (1/2) - for respecting property by ensuring the learning space is tidy and putting things away, even when she isn’t the one to use them. 

Alana (3/4)- for respecting others by welcoming new students in the school with patience and kindness.


Mrs. Emma Pattison

Student Wellbeing Leader
