Community News
Run 4 Fun
We hope that all of our students enjoyed taking part in our first Run 4 Fun! It was a great day and we have had lots of positive feedback. It was fantastic to see so many students, staff and even families, proudly wearing their House colours.
Thank you to our PFA for organising and running the event, and the many volunteers who helped to make the day so successful. Thank you to our House Captains and Student Leadership Council representatives who helped with the running of the day. Thank you also to the families who came along to watch and cheer on our students.
The prizes have been ordered and we've been told they will be here before the end of the school year.
Thank you to the families and friends who sponsored our students and supported our fundraising event.
We would like to congratulate Max from 3/4P for raising the most amount of money for our school! Max raised $1250 and he has been entered into the draw to win a $2500 travel voucher. That’s a great effort Max. Good luck, we hope you win the voucher!
PCC Community Fun Day ~ Ride Wristband Pre-sale
As you know, we will be holding our Community Fun Day on Saturday the 21st of March.
Wristbands are now on sale, which will give you unlimited rides all day! Our event will include rides to suit all ages such as Dodgem Cars, Giant Slide, Tea Cup Ride, Chair O Plane Ride, Hot Gun Ride, Whizzer Ride and inflatables.
Our early bird price is $30 per wristband. This price is available now until the 7th of February. This gives our families lots of time to purchase wristbands at the discounted price. You might like to spread out your payments and purchase bands over a number of weeks.
The price will increase to $35 until the 20th of March, and on the day wristbands will be $40 each. Children and adults are the same price.
Individual ride tickets will also be available on the day for $8-10 each, depending on the ride. Wristbands are great value for money and will only be available for collection on the day.
To pre-order your wristbands, please go to
10 Year Celebration
Thank you to the families and members of the community who have visited our display this week. We have enjoyed looking at the memories over the last 10 years of PCC. Many people have also enjoyed looking at the photos and memorabilia from Point Cook Primary School and the contents of a time capsule from 1985. We held a special assembly on Monday morning where we heard from our former Principal, Frank Vetere, and our founding Principal, Michael Hayes. Thank you to the families who also attended.
Our local newspaper, The Star Weekly, published a story about our 10 year celebration. You can view the article at this link -
The final Subway lunch order date for this year is:
* Friday the 13th of December
-Please note that this date is also the Year 7 End of Year Celebration Excursion, and students will not be at school to have a Subway lunch on this day. Families who have already ordered will receive a refund and the order will be cancelled by Subway. We apologise for any inconvenience.
-This Subway lunch is also on the same day as the Prep and Year 3/4 Grevillea and Wattle End of Year Celebrations. The students will be at school, however, due to their celebrations including food, they may not require a Subway lunch order. Please refer to your Compass event for further information, before placing an order.
If you have not ordered before, please go to to set up your account. When you are prompted to enter your child’s teacher, please enter their year level instead. (E.g. Year 1/2)
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Wyndham Subway Group for their support, as they donate $1 from every order back to our school!
Second Hand Uniform Stall
Thank to families who have donated unwanted uniform items this year, it is very much appreciated. If you are leaving our school or your child has grown out of uniform items, please consider donating them to the school. Donations can be left at the office.
Money raised from our stall is used to support students in need in our school, and we also donate to the State School Relief Fund. We don’t have dates for 2020 as yet, but when we do, we will advertise on our Facebook page, Compass and the calendar on our website.
Thank you
Merry Christmas and happy holidays
Sandy Thornton
Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
The PFA at Point Cook P-9 College have done some amazing work over the last year. We should have the fundraising total for you in the first newsletter of next year.
A reminder to all families that we welcome everyone in our school community to come along to one of our get together's! The PFA is not all about fundraising and we are not just volunteers. We would like to do so much more in helping the school community come together and get more involved in our children's learning. We also would like to hold more social events to get to know each other. We have some amazing things to look forward to next year and I look forward to seeing more of you joining us.
Finally, thank you to all our amazing volunteers who have helped this year, we could not do it without you. If you want to get involved you must have a current Working with Children's Check which is free to apply for at -
Lisa Adametz
PFA President
Library News
As we get to the end of another year, could I ask you please to check your homes, cars etc thoroughly to see if you have any books belonging to our school at home. If you are unsure if they belong to PCC, please bring them in and I can quickly tell you. In order to maintain a vibrant and relevant collection we need all items back at school, so they can be cleaned and repaired ready for next year.
Thank you for your support.
Sonja Faust
Library Technician
I would like to thank all of our families and friends for their support of our school this year.
Thank you to our volunteers who have supported many of our activities and programs throughout the year. With your assistance, we are able to offer our students some great opportunities including our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, support in classrooms, help on excursions, Mother's & Father's Day Stalls and the Run 4 Fun, just to name a few!
There are many ways for you to be involved in your child's education and engage with our school!
Reading the newsletter, checking Compass and keeping up to date with information so that your child is prepared for school, is a step towards a great partnership! Making the most of opportunities we provide throughout the year such as 3 way conferences, information sessions and school events are important for your child and their learning. Being involved at our school also has great benefits for you! You get to meet other families and create networks within our community. Please look out for opportunities to be involved next year.
We would like to invite you all to our annual morning tea which will be held on the first day of school. After settling your children in their new classroom, please come over to the gym and join us.
Our first Community Fun Day will be a huge event for our school and we encourage you to get involved and volunteer on the day! We have over 1000 families at our school, if every family offered an hour of their time, we will be able to run some very exciting activities on the day! Please consider being involved. We will have more information about this next year.
To be involved at PCC you will need a valid Working with Children's Check. They are free as a volunteer! To apply please go to - If you would like assistance applying, please contact me.
I hope you all have a happy and safe break over the holidays.
Rebecca Thornton
EAL & Community Partnerships Leader