Term 2 Week 1

Home Learning 

Our expectations

As we all learn to navigate this new way of learning, we ask that you be patient as we iron out the kinks that may arise. Our Grade 3 team has been working throughout the holidays to prepare for the delivery of a well-balanced curriculum, but we have also tried to be mindful of the difficulties many families may face during this time of 'home schooling'. Especially if you have a number of children learning at home or need to continue working yourselves.


The timetable we will send you each day will include 'expected tasks' as well as many 'optional activities'. Where possible we have attempted to include a mixture of online and offline activities. We ask that students attempt the expected tasks each day, but if you find yourselves falling behind one day, don't worry. You can catch up later in the week! The main thing is to try and keep this mode of learning as stress-free as possible for all of you.


To start this term, we will continue looking at the text type of narratives. Following on from the work we did at the end of last term, students will look at the language features of a narrative (eg descriptive language).  This follows on from the activities most students completed by watching these videos about The Night Zoo Keeper -



We recognise that it is not possible at this time for students to be borrowing books from our school library or your local library. However, we encourage them to keep reading any books you may have in your own bookshelves, and to set time aside for daily reading. Enjoy creating your own personal reading nook which offers quiet, comfort, light and relaxation.  


Our structured Reading sessions this week, will focus on making connections to the texts we read and recognising the elements of a narrative story.


Prior to finishing term one, we had started looking at money. This week we will continue to look at how money values can be represented in different ways. Students will need to empty their piggy-banks for these tasks in order to investigate how different coins can all add up to the same value.


We will also look at currencies around the world and students will be challenged to see if they can work out the equivalent currency for $1 Australian.

Unit of Inquiry

Our first unit of Inquiry this term is ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ and relates to rules and laws providing structure within our community and society.


Focusing on the related concepts of ‘consequences’ and ‘impact’, the students will engage in activities which provide a ‘provocation’ and engage their thinking about how one event /action can affect another.  


A particular focus this week is defining what is a ‘rule’ and a ‘law’ and the differences between them.  We will ask students to think about rules in their own home community and then what is happening in the wider local community with changes to our lifestyle due to COVID-19.   


Each day this week, we have set a mindfulness activity for students under 'optional tasks'. We understand this time is unsettling for some students so we encourage students to give these a go.

Contact us

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows:


Sylvia Zanati (3A) -



Georgia Kirk (3B) -



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C) -




Bill Kolivas (3D) -



Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit)
