Class updates

EAL classes

Last week in our EAL classes all of the children were introduced to Kennel Pals and chose a pet to name. The EAL Kennel Pals is a fun way to help improve literacy skills within the sessions as they include their pet in the activities they participate in.

The children made no sew cushions to cater for their toy pets and wrote stories about their new pets and their experiences creating the cushions.

At the end of Term 3, the students will take their new pet home. 


5/6 Division Hockey

Congratulations to both of the the Year 5/6 Hockey teams who competed at the Division competition last Friday. All the students were committed to the training sessions and did an amazing effort on the day. Thank you to Paul Dillon and the Warrnambool District Hockey Association for their assistance in preparing our students for the day. 

Also thank you to Bebe Ryan for taking the students along on the day and to Hamish Morrow, a former Jamo student for coaching the teams on the day.