
A message from Wellbeing....


Firstly, we would like to congratulate your children on their continued resilience and flexibility as we continue to navigate COVID-19 and the new challenges it presents. We understand that high levels of staff and student absences can have profound effects on students and be unsettling, especially for those who suffer from anxiety and rely on consistency and routines.

How parents can help through all the disruption;

Stay calm, listen and offer understanding and reassurance 

  • Be a role model. Children will react to and follow your reactions. They learn from your example.
  • Be open and honest. It’s not always possible, but if you are aware that your child’s trusted teacher or close friend will be away, talk about it and do your best to prepare them that things may be different before they arrive at school.
  • Be aware of how you talk about COVID-19. Your discussion about COVID-19 can increase or decrease your child's fear. If true, remind your child that your family is healthy, and you are going to do everything within your power to keep loved ones safe and well. Carefully listen or have them draw or write out their thoughts and feelings and respond with truth and reassurance.
  • Demonstrate deep breathing. Deep breathing is a valuable tool for calming the nervous system. Do breathing exercises with your children- there are lots of great examples online.
  • Focus on the positive. Celebrate having more time to spend as a family. Make it as fun as possible. Do family projects. Organise belongings, create masterpieces. Sing, laugh, and go outside, if possible, to connect with nature and get needed exercise. Allow older children to connect with their friends virtually.
  • Establish and maintain a daily routine. Keeping a regular schedule provides a sense of control, predictability, calm, and well-being. It also helps children and other family members respect others’ need for quiet or uninterrupted time and when they can connect with friends virtually.
  • Identify projects that might help others. This could include: writing letters to the friends or others who might be stuck at home alone or to healthcare workers; sending positive messages over social media etc
  • Offer lots of love and affection.

Importantly, we need to do all we can to limit the spread and allow our staff and students to be present at school as much as possible for the remainder of this winter. Please continue to utilise the RAT tests provided, students over the age of 8 to be wearing masks, encourage quality hand hygiene and please keep your children home if presenting with symptoms. 


As always, thank you to the Jamo community for your continued support.

Jess White, School Counsellor 

Tonya Ferguson, Leading Teacher- Wellbeing