Positive People and Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have be chosen for a Positive People Award or a Specialist Award this week. Due to this week's assembly being cancelled the awards will be presented to students in class on Friday.


Positive People Award

Prep AImogen McKenzie and Sylvie Van Rooy
Prep BHugo Reeve
Prep CCurtis Traill
1AIndiana Rye and Bowie Lynch
1BHenry Saker
2AArchie Hammersley
2BClay Edwards
2CAiden Smith
3/4AMia Newell
3/4BGrace Kennedy
3/4CAlyra Brown
3/4DKasey Dalton
3/4ENimrat Sandhu
5/6AMichael Consedine
5/6BHenry Morton
5/6CDanny Van Wyngaard
5/6DMathew Jeffrey Cody-Salmon
5/6EPhoenix Causby

 Specialist Award

LOTEKye Hooper 
LOTEClancey Greene
PENoah O'Connor
PELorel Russell