Sports News 

"Winning is something but participation is everything"


Hoop Time is a favourite event amongst the senior students and one of the first things I am asked each year is "When's Hoop Time?"

I was even asked just the other day when is Hoop Time next year!?


We haven't been able to attend Hoop Time over the past two years due to lock downs and capacity limits - however, on Thursday 28th July our Grade 3/4 students finally got their chance.


Sacred Heart sent in six teams - An All Star Boys, All Star Girls and four Future Stars Mixed teams. Every student and team represented Sacred Heart with pride, being competitive, demonstrating fair play and great sporting ethics throughout the day.

Congratulations to the Sacred Heart Hawks who managed to get into the semi-finals out of 29 total Future Star teams. Their game was a spectacular one with lots of cheering, unfortunately the were just beaten by 4 points.


Our All Star teams also competed valiantly, with our All Star Girls coming 3rd overall and a massive congratulations to our All Star Boys who went through the entire day winning every game including their Grand Final against a very competitive St Finbar's.


The All Star Boys will advance through to the next round in the Junior Hoop Time Tournament.

Fantastic work by Paddy McPherson, Joshua Morley, Milo Brauer, Will Henebery, Lachie Butlin, Spencer Buck & Miles Schell (and Coach Anthony Morley)


A massive thank you to all the parent helpers that volunteered throughout the day - these days are not able to proceed without your support.


Our Grade 5/6 Students will participate in the Senior Hoop Time tournament on Friday 5th August.


Our School house athletics will take place on Tuesday 16th August @ Sandringham Athletics Track. Students participate in a variety of Athletics and Fun events to earn points for their house and we can crown a 2022 champion.

The houses are:

Marian - Blue

Nagle - Yellow

Vianney - Green

Xavier - Red

Students can represent their house by wearing their house colours on the day.


Any students in Grade 3-6 that wish to participate in the Dendy Athletics will need to qualify by attending the following dates for trials @ Sandringham Athletics Track (7am - 8am)

Wed 17th August - 100m & Shotput

Thur 18th August - Long Jump & 800m

Fri 19th August - Triple Jump & 200m


If you wish to, but are unable to attend a trial time please contact me and we can organise an alternative option.


Yours in sport,


Trent Thiessens