From the Principal

Parent Teacher Chats

It has been wonderful to have our teachers connecting with parents again through Parent Teacher Chats this week. Thank you to those parents who scheduled these conferences. It provides both our parents and teachers the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of our students' learning by discussing strategies that will help them achieve success in the classroom. It also gives teachers the opportunity to better understand their students through discussions with their parents and carers. 

Curriculum Day

Just a reminder that Tuesday the 2nd of August ia a student-free day. Our staff will be using this day to participate in quality professional development to ensure that their curriculum knowledge and delivery in the classroom remains relevant and current.

100 Days of School

This week has seen our Foundation students reach the exciting milestone of 100 Days of School. It has been such a joy to watch these students grow, develop and mature so much this year already. I hope their first 100 days of school has inspired enthusiasm, positivity and a love of learning to see them long into their educational journey. A huge thank you to Jacqui Scott and Michelle Simons for nurturing our Foundation students through this time and for helping them celebrate this special day. 



We are excited to be welcoming North into school later this term and in preparation, Skye Kelly is busy preparing our students, staff and community for his arrival on site. Part of this process includes parents and guardians filling out the survey sent out this week. This survey, allows us to understand your child's needs around our well-being dog and how North can safely be assimilated into our school community. We look forward to receiving your survey to help us complete our preparation audit. If you require a new form, please don't hesitate to contact our school office.