Library News

A McCarthy Library Welcome Back!
Welcome back to our students and staff from the McCarthy Library staff. It is lovely to see students and staff back, enjoying our spaces and borrowing books and research resources.
NAIDOC Week 3-10 July
At the end of last Term we joined with the rest of the school and celebrated NAIDOC Week. Our display of books available in our library is inspired by “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!” in support of the reform our country is working towards in 2022.
Supporting our senior in their studies onsite and online
The library has quiet study and collaborative study areas for our students. We have an extensive collection of resources to support our students in their research or exam preparation. Come in and ask for research support and resources available from the Oliver Catalogue. We can also guide students in finding relevant and reliable information from our library homepage including academic writing and bibliographic support, and relevant research via World Book, SORA, ClickView, Issues In Society and the State Library. We are here to help.
We also have a collection of past HSC and Preliminary Year exams on most subjects for students to look at and use as they prepare for exams this term.
Reading, talking and writing about books
The English reading program for Year 7 and 8 is continuing again this term. We are looking forward to our visits to the classrooms to up-skill our students in sharing their opinions about a recent book they have read through our McCarthy Library Book reviews.
Come and Try the McCarthy Library Book Club Thursday, Week B Lunch in the Library
Our first Book Club meeting is this Thursday, July 28 2022 in the Library. All students are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
Board Games and Books on Mondays
We always have chess and UNO available for students to use during recess and lunch breaks. However, on Monday lunch time, we especially invite our Library users to come into the library and join a board game once a week. We are looking forward to seeing our students play our other games that are now available too.
Premier’s Reading Challenge ends very soon
This is a reminder to those students who are completing the Challenge in 2022. You will need to finalise and submit your reading list as the Challenge closes on 19 August 2022. We hope you have enjoyed your Challenge.
The Children’s Book Council Australia (CBCA) Awards and Book Week 22-26 August upcoming in the library we will be celebrating Book Week with opportunities for students to participate in events centred around the theme “Dream with your eyes wide open”.
Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian