Acting Principal's Message-

Shaun Doherty

Acting Principal and Leadership Opportunities

As many of you are aware, Amadeo Ferra was asked to take on an Acting role as a Senior Educational Improvement Leader (SEIL) for Term 3 and 4 of this year. As a college, we are fortunate enough to have fantastic staff and leaders to ensure we don’t miss a beat in Amadeo’s short absence. Recently I was appointed the Acting Principal for McClelland College for Term 3 and 4. Working extremely closely with Amadeo over the past six and a half years, I am excited by this opportunity and will maintain the stability that the college needs for this short period of time. As a result of my appointment to Acting Principal, the following staff were successful applicants for the following leadership opportunities for Term 3 and 4:

  • Jodie McCabe – Acting Assistant Principal (Year 8)
  • Andrew Hemsley – Acting Assistant Principal (Senior School)
  • Daniel Carlton – Acting Leading Teacher – Senior Sub-School Leader
  • Michael Burrows – Acting Learning Specialist – Engagement and Student Voice


Due to the above changes, the following staff will also undertake the following roles:

  • Danielle Harry – Leading Teacher - Junior Sub-School Leader
  • Robyn Andrews – Year 12 VCE Leader
  • Laura Murphy – Year 11 VCE Leader
  • Kaitlyn Karadeas – VCE Co-ordinator


Although this may appear like some substantial changes, many of these roles and individuals continue in their other leadership roles prior to this change and have been provided time to undertake their new responsibility. I am confident we will continue to thrive as a college in the following term and a half.

School Review Process

Every government school in Victoria goes through a four-year cycle with a School Review and a School Strategic Plan developed to help guide the next four years. In Term 4 this year, we will complete our School Review. The School Review is a chance to celebrate the highlights of the past four years and look at opportunities for growth. In the term leading up to a School Review, schools complete a Pre-Review School Evaluation (PRSE) – we are at this stage now. You will receive further information about this through our communication channels (e.g. Compass) and opportunities to provide feedback on what our highlights have been as a college and where we need to grow. Given the trajectory of the college in the last four years, we will have a lot to celebrate as a learning community. To be the choice school in our area and deliver the outcomes our students deserve, we are incredibly proud of the last four years and welcome your feedback as part of this process. You will also see a Parent/Carer/Guardian Opinion Survey coming out in the coming weeks and I hope you can spend a moment of your time sharing your feedback on the college.


Planning for 2023

Thank you to all families attending our Course Counselling interviews earlier this term. We received some positive feedback on the process and the positive discussions the interviews created. Course Counselling interviews are always the starting point for our planning for the following year. We have begun to look at which classes will run based on student selections and will progress towards blocking and advertising teaching positions as the term progresses.

Parent Teacher Interviews

On Monday August 29th, we will have our Parent Teacher Interviews from 12-8 pm. Further details and Compass bookings will be provided shortly to families. These will be held this term remotely and will provide another opportunity to meet with your child's teachers to determine how to best support them.

Year 8 Building Works Update

Our Year 8s, who have been displaced for a short time to the IC, will be pleased to know that our new Year 8 Learning Centre building works are progressing well. We hope to open this building for classes in early Term 4.