2022 House Competition


Well done to all of those who were involved in the recent house volleyball competition. There were many hotly contested games that saw red house assert their sporting dominance over their competitors, winning three out of the four year-level competitions.


Results were as follows:

Year 11 / 12

1st Red (100 points)

2nd Gold (50 points)

3rd Green (25 points)

4th Blue (10 points)


Year 9 / 10

1st Green

2nd Blue

3rd Red

4th Gold


Year 8

1st Red

2nd Blue

3rd Gold

4th Green


Year 7

1st Red

2nd Green

3rd Gold

4th Blue


The overall points tally now sees red stream ahead after receiving 325 points for their volleyball triumphs.


Overall Points Tally

Red 4077

Gold 3960

Green 3748

Blue 3634


Remember that each positive compass post you receive earns an additional point to your house.