IRC News 

Upcoming Book Week Celebrations

It is that time of the year again, its Book Week! Book Week at Nossal has traditionally been a widely celebrated event, with many activities and competitions both staff and students can take part in, as well as insightful lectures being delivered to our students. This year, book week will be celebrated from Monday 22 August to Friday 26 August. If that hasn't convinced you to take part in the celebrations, continue reading!


We will start the week off by having an activity where we will recommend 5 book titles to staff, across all genres showcased in our IRC, to encourage wider reading among all Nossal staff and students. Students will then have the opportunity to enter the draw to win a highly desirable prize! The Bollywood Dance club will present a dance performance during recess, to celebrate the cultural diversity prominent in the Nossal community.


Our year 9 students will have the opportunity to attend a lecture by Gabrielle Williams, an author who has written a number of engaging novels. Students will be given the chance to ask Gabrielle questions about the journey of becoming an author, as well as writing tips for our passionate writers. We will also be conducting an Interhouse Quiz, and the great Interhouse Spelling Bee! Year 10 students will be given the privilege of attending a creative writing workshop with Alice Pung, another sensational author, who will share her knowledge on exploring the world of creative writing with our students.


That's not all! Stay tuned for the Multicultural/Book character dress up day, as well as music and dance performances that will be available throughout the week. Other activities running throughout the week also include the creative writing competition (poems, short stories, 5 worders, 50 worders), and don't forget the lucky dip prize, for a chance to win a selected collection of books!


I hope you all participate in Nossal's Book Week Celebrations, it's a valuable opportunity you definitely shouldn't miss! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the IRC staff and leaders.


Hritik Jagtap

IRC Leader