Student Leaders Report

Welcome back everyone to school we are now in term 3! Fist week back! How exciting?


This week we had meal deals on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It’s so great that the oval works have been completed and everyone is so happy to get on the new oval, and netball court. Speaking of netball we have both the netball teams continuing on to division netball on Tuesday the 26th of July. We would like to congratulate a year 6 student who made it all the way to state cross country👏! 


Next Tuesday and Wednesday we have 3 way conferences with a parent, child and teacher to talk about how the student is doing in class. Then on Thursday the 21st the grade 5/6 are going to play lawn bowls to practice for the summer sport competition. 


Thank you for ready! By school captains Emily, Laneah, Genna and Olly.