Dates to Remember
TUESDAY 19 JULY - 3 way conferences (3:30pm – 8:00pm)
WEDNESDAY20th JULY - 3 way conferences (3:30pm – 6pm)
**Year 4 cohort will begin their 3 Way Conferences from 1:45pm and go through to 8pm, this is to accommodate the larger numbers)
THURSDAY 21 JULY – 5/6 Lawn Bowls at Sunbury Bowling Club
THURSDAY 21 JULY - Last day to order Kismet Beanies
Click here to order:
TUESDAY 26 JULY – Division Netball @ Boardman
18 - 22 JULY - Grade 4 Intensive Swimming Program
1-5 AUGUST – 5/6 Intensive Swimming Program
FRIDAY 5 AUGUST - Jeans for Genes day, gold coin donation (wear your jeans!)
8 - 12 AUGUST – Grade 3 Intensive Swimming Program
A reminder that for students in years 3, 5 and 6 we are extending the timeline for payments to next Friday 22nd of July, 2022. Please see COMPASS for permission note and payments.
MONDAY 22 AUGUST - Professional Practice Day - student are NOT required at school. (Extend will operate on this day)
22-26 AUGUST - Book Week - The theme for this year is "Dreaming with eyes open"
FRIDAY 26 AUGUST - Book Week Parade
- Monday 25th of July – 6:30pm (Evening Session)
- Thursday 28th of July – 9:30am
- Tuesday 6th of September – 6:30pm (Evening Session)
WEDNESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER - Kismet Big Freeze - Sport colours dress up day. Gold coin donation.
FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER - Last day of term - early dismissal 2.30pm
AUGUST - Cookie dough fundraiser
- Book Week. The theme this year is 'Dreaming with Eyes Wide Open'
SEPTEMBER - Fathers Day stall and raffle