PFA News

School and Kindergarten PFA Meeting

The next PFA meeting will be held on Thursday 12 December 2019, from 1.30pm in Cafe 1739 .  We would like to invite all parents to come along, partake in afternoon tea, have a cuppa, meet some new friends and share your ideas.  Could existing committee members please bring along someone new to the meeting. Toddlers most welcome. 

Term 4 Friday Lunches Roster


If you are unable to volunteer on the rostered day, please try and swap with someone on the list or contact the office.  Thank you

Friday Lunches

Please remember that Friday Lunches orders now close 9am Tuesday.

*****SpringFest Ballarat – Sunday 24th November*****

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time for this fundraiser.  Many hands make light  work!

A short information session will be held on Thursday 21st November from 2.40pm in Cafe 1739 for all volunteers so I can run through a few details regarding SpringFest.  If you cannot attend but have questions, please do not hesitate to leave your details at the office and I will get back to you.  Thank you, Alyson



Christmas Raffle – Wednesday 18 December

Our Christmas Raffle is always a huge success with fantastic prizes donated from our community.  Prizes usually include but are not limited to toys, homewares, stationary, vouchers, movie passes, books and Christmas decorations.  We are now asking families to please donate an item towards the Christmas Raffle.   Please bring your donations into the office right up until the Wed 13 December.


The raffle is drawn during the end of year Presentation Night on Wednesday 18 December.