
District Swim Meet

On Thursday the 4th of March a smaller than usual contingent of Ringwood students headed down to Ringwood Aquanation to participate in our swim meet and try and earn a spot on the District team for 2021. 


It was an enjoyable event with incredibly helpful students and volunteers who helped us get through all the events on time. The students had a lot of fun, it it felt like we had the whole of Aquanation to ourselves, with plenty of free lanes to have some free time in. Well done to all those students that participated and we wish the Divison team good luck for the upcoming District competition on the 15th of March. 

Roi Boutsikakis

Director of Sports

Senior Girls Cricket

It was a perfect day for cricket on Thursday the 11th of February. The sun was out, the temperature was lovely & we even had a 17th birthday to celebrate within the team (Happy Birthday Emilie). 


We knew from the get go that we were up against it, playing the very strong Norwood SC team. However, we gave it a real crack & as always demonstrated amazing sportsmanship. Our pick of the bowlers was Courtney who was whipping them down the pitch, giving the opposition a scare! We also had the likes of Erin, Tarni, Janani, Abby, Caitlin, Liv and Lucy giving it a go with the bowl, getting the opposition at 2/194. Liv took a fantastic catch in the field, followed by another catch by Caitlin, with some other excellent fielding by Jemima and Janani.


We were pretty unlucky with the bat throughout the day but shout outs to Sienna, Liv, Courtney and Abby who all showed some great skills with the bat. Our birthday girl did a wonderful job behind the stumps for 10 overs, a wicket keeper in the making! While we may have only made 30 runs as a team, everybody contributed and we all left the field with smiles on our faces. We also batted for 18 overs, which was something we were very happy with.


Well done to all the girls for their enthusiasm and willingness to try something a bit new! A special mention also to our captain, Sienna, who was outstanding at leading the team, setting the field, picking the bowling and batting order and just generally making my job a whole lot easier on the day. Thank you to the Year 12 girls for all your efforts, and here’s to 2022 for the Year 11’s!

Miss Bailey


Alyce Bailey | 7 – 9 Careers Coordinator - Work Experience Coordinator - Sustainability Coordinator 

Intermediate Girls CRUSH Cricket

On Wednesday the 24th of February the Intermediate Girls Cricket team smashed the history books! In fact, not only were the history books smashed but the ball got a good work out as well! 

We batted first and after 20 overs of fine batting we found ourselves 2/115 with Grace Sargeant, our lefthanded legend, smashing 39 not out and Rosie Sykes, our captain extraordinaire, adding 36 not out to our total. Rory Barr and Tilly Magee were unlucky to go out swinging hard to two good catches. Batting for all 20 overs and making 115 went above our expectations. 

So then it was our turn with the ball, the area that we pride ourselves on. Matilda Nichol opened the bowling and ended up with an impressive 3 overs for 1 run, talk about tidy bowling! Chloe Fisken also had an economical spell with 2 overs for 1 run. Other fantastic bowling efforts included – Olivia Baud (0/8 off 2), Rory (0/4 off 2), Tilly (0/10 off 3), Sarah Bell (0/4 off 1) and Isobel Ritter (0/4 off 1). Our wicket takers were a sight to behold! With one run out, a direct hit from Tilly that was one of the best throws we saw all day! 

A great catch by Isobel off Rosie’s bowling and another wicket to Rosie as she took out the stumps with her frightening speed finishing the day with the figure of 2/4 off 3 (an unlucky 4 that snicked off the bat and only flew to the boundary because of Rosie’s speed with the ball). Our other 2 wickets were also bowled by champions – Amy Jenner (1/11 off 2) and Heather Zeinert (1/2 off 1). Chloe Cowan got to roll the arm over after we finished our 20 overs and she too proved exciting with the ball as her figures demonstrate – 1/3 off 1. We got Norwood 5/57 with some excellent fielding from Lucy Cornell, Lily Rogers and Alifya Loka. 


A shout out to Sarah and Chloe F for their work behind the stumps, as scary as it was to face some of our fast bowlers, they both did a tremendous job! Here’s to the next round girls, let’s keep rewriting history! 


An extremely proud coach – Miss Bailey


Alyce Bailey 

 7 – 9 Careers Coordinator - Work Experience Coordinator - Sustainability Coordinator