Performing Arts


This year's Production will be 'What a Knight'. Earlier in the term we had a chat about the historical mythical legends, the musical is based on. Merlin, King Arthur and of course Excalibur and his sword.


This week in the 5/6 Performing Arts lessons, we had a go at singing and dancing a song from the show. I was so impressed with how great they sounded and danced for their first ever go. Well done everybody!


I promised the students I would put in the following link, from a Grade Six performance in England, of 'What a Knight'. They can watch this YouTube video, if they wish, to get an idea of the role/s they want to audition for.


The link should come up with CVJS What a Knight.


The plan is the students will audition to a panel of teachers, including myself. They can collect a section of the script from me (extra copies on my office door), that they need to act out and if they wish to have a singing role (there are only two main singing roles), they need to sing the 'Happy Birthday' song. The teachers and I will be looking for those students with a clear loud voice with expression, actions and who can sing in tune. Once everyone has auditioned, the teachers and I will decide and let the students know. Good luck everybody!



Choir is coming along nicely. The students are putting in a lot of effort with their songs. We discussed and experimented with a clapping pattern to the song 'Cups'. We have decided on a pattern and it sounds and looks great. Here is the pattern for the choir students to practise:


clap, clap, pat, pat, clap, pat, pat, clap.

(with partner) hand across, other hand across, hands together, clap.


Well done Choir! See you next Thursday in the theatre at lunchtime. 


Mrs Jenes.