Chaplain's Corner

Hi Everyone, 

It’s been a long term one, with one more week to go!  All staff and students are showing signs of being ‘dog tired’!  Mentally we also seem to slow down as we approach the holiday break, but physically we need to keep going for another week – A BATTLE OF THE MIND!

This is a great time to teach PERSEVERANCE & RESILIENCE – life skills that are so essential for relationship, study, work life, raising a family, etc….

When we are feeling ‘tired and drained’ it is also time to look at what we need to do to SUSTAIN us.   It may be a great time for parents and children to look at SLEEP (do we need to go to bed earlier or take a nap), FOOD (are we eating foods that will help to keep us going and keep us healthy), SCREEN TIME – funny isn’t it that no matter how tired a child is, they are never too ‘tired’ for screen time….hmmmmm – too much screen time has a great effect on our brain activity, heightening it even when we shut the screen down, thus affecting good sleep.

Just a few thoughts as I, too, work through my own increasing tiredness as we near the end of a long and very busy term!


Robyn Mulholland (School Chaplain)