Principal's Report

There will be no assembly on Tuesday next week and our final assembly for the term will be on Thursday April 1 at 2.00pm.


Final Day Term 1 - Thursday April 1 Dismissal at 2.30pm

Free Dress and Gold Coin Donation

Proceeds will go to a local charity.


Thursday April 1 Timetable

9am - 11am - Class

11am - 11.30am - Recess

11.30am - 1pm - Class

1pm - 1.15pm - Lunch eating

1.15pm - 1.45pm - Lunch Playtime

1.45pm - 2pm - Pack Up

2pm -2.30pm Assembly

2.30pm Dismissal


South East Melbourne Phoenix Basketball Club Come to ACPS!


On Tuesday the sporting fun at ACPS continues with the South East Melbourne Phoenix Basketball Club coming to visit and running clinics throughout the day for all students. The event will conclude with an Exhibition match between selected grade 6 students and the Phoenix players. Commencing at 12.50pm, Year 1-6 students are being invited to watch the exhibition match and then participate in a Q and A with the players. 


The exhibition match will be held on the blue basketball court near the Learning Shack. We invite you to come along and join the fun!


Student Learning Diaries


Your child’s Student Learning Diary will be coming home next Wednesday. 


The purpose of Student Learning Diary is to engage students in ongoing reflection and analysis of their learning. Students use their SLDs to celebrate and reflect on their achievements, receive collaborative feedback about their work and share learning experiences with their families. 


It includes: 

  • authentic work samples with teacher assessments
  • student reflection
  • an opportunity for parent feedback via our Two Stars and a Wish feedback sheet.

Each subject area has a snapshot of their work. A ‘two stars and a wish’ sheet has been included and we would encourage you to use this as a platform to engage in conversation with your child about their learning. 


Please note Student Learning Diaries are due back to school on the first day of Term 2. 


We ask you to participate in the reporting process by discussing the SLD with your child. 



With the end of term fast approaching it's clear to see the level of fatigue felt throughout the community, and the students are no exception. As a staff we have prioritised 3 areas to focus on for the remainder of this term.

  1. We line up and keep our hands and feet to ourselves
  2. We walk under cover - NO running
  3. If something negative happens out in the yard - We tell a teacher straight away

I'm sure we're all looking forward to the holidays commencing and taking the opportunity to recharge our batteries.


Have a happy, safe and restful weekend...

Sue Dyos

