

We are open! After a strange year in 2020 disrupted by Covid 19 we are open again for lunch orders via QKR, and over the counter sales at recess and lunchtime. We can welcome volunteers back into the Canteen to support Jenny, our Canteen Manager. We have loved seeing names pop up in the Volunteer sign-up sheet and more importantly seeing their smiling faces (behind masks).


Canteen Reminders

The canteen is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday (not the ‘T’ days). Place your lunch order by 8.30am on the morning of service – ensure to click on the correct day and date that you want the order delivered and that your child’s profile in QKR has the correct class (ie 5A). Otherwise the lunch order will be delivered to the wrong classroom and your child will think they don’t have lunch.


If your child leaves school (sick or for an appointment) on a day they have a lunch order you must contact the canteen before 10am to have the lunch order deferred to another day. If you don't we will not know and will fill and deliver the lunch order on that day. Please call the office on 9589 5449 and ask to be transferred to the canteen.


The menu is open for your choice and we no longer have the Recess Snack Packs and Lunch Packs available.


Volunteers Are Warmly Welcomed

If you have some time we would love to see you in the Canteen to volunteer for a 2-3 hour shift. No experience is necessary as Jenny provides direction of tasks to complete. Children love seeing their parents serving over the counter at recess and lunchtime and take great pride in this.


Please sign up via the Volunteer Sign Up link here for as much or as little time as you can spare. All shifts are visible and you can choose those that suit your time availability. 


Over the Counter Sales

Students love bringing their gold coins to buy a snack at recess or lunchtime. Our most popular items over the counter are the following with these new prices:

  • Quelch Fruit tubes and Zooper Doopers (various flavours)  - $1 each
  • Frozen Fruit Cup (orange or apple) - $1.50
  • Chips (Sea Salt and Honey Soy) - $1.50
  • Paddle Pops and Moosies (Blue Moon or Strawberry) - $2 each

If you have any queries please email Jenny