Wellbeing/Be You

The Resilience Project

Beaumaris North Primary School promotes student wellbeing through the delivery of lessons from The Resilience Project Program.

What is the Resilience Project?

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.


Mission: To teach positive mental health strategies to help people become more happy and to build resilience.



The Resilience Project – Parent Webinar – Tuesday 23 March 6.30pm


The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses and provide them with evidence based, practical strategies to build resilience and happiness. The Resilience Project has delivered programs to over 500 schools around the country and worked with many elite sporting teams including Australian cricket, netball and soccer, NRL and AFL clubs. Through presentations, wellbeing journals, schools curriculum, teacher diaries and their App, The Resilience Project seeks to help all Australians become mentally healthy. 


Programs offered by The Resilience Project are based on the following strategies:

Gratitude - Appreciating what you have, not begrudging what you don’t. Empathy - Thinking of the needs of others/kindness.

Mindfulness - Being present in the moment, not becoming distracted by unhelpful or negative thoughts.


During this presentation, Hugh will share his experiences and combine them with practical strategies that can be implemented every day to improve our overall wellbeing.




Here is the link to the Parent Webinar - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89874699036?pwd=OXdWRlB3Zy9ob1k0eStwMXpxaDVmQT09