Art room news - Term 1 2021

Our Self Portraits are coming along beautifully.....
Grade 5 and 6 students used their photographs to produce line drawings of themselves. Seeing our faces as a series of shapes and lines helped us to draw our outlines without getting hung-up on all of the things that bother us, such as likeness and flaws, when we draw our faces. We then treated these outlines as you would a colouring book. After observing the patterns and designs by young designer/artist Arkie Barton, we used paint markers to replicate her designs and bring our portraits to life.
Coloured Card Collage Portraits
When we chose our colour table groups at the start of the term, this determined the colour we would be using to create a self portrait. Instead of using paint, pencil or textas to create our portraits, we used our scissor skills and a limited palette of coloured cardboard colours. We’ve had to think really hard about shape and creating details just with paper alone! I think the students are doing really well.......stay tuned to see our finished artworks at the end of term.
Autumn is here!
Students are using their observation skills and knowledge of leaf shapes to embellish the leaves they coloured with food dye and coloured felt tip markers. We used a new exciting paper called diffusion paper. Diffusion paper makes an exciting surface to make creations with, especially when the best part is watching the colours of the marker and dye mix and meld to make new colours. Take a look at our beautiful Autumn colour display.
Be sure to check out our Virtual Mullum Art Gallery on Instagram at mrs.lawns.artroom and on our Mullum Primary School Facebook page!