Brain Teasers

Kylie Coker

Brain Teasers

Since we have been talking about vocabulary and oral language, I thought it might be fun to include some brain teasers. You see the importance of looking at language when you try to figure them out by really thinking about what the question is asking and what the trick might be. 

For example, 

How many letters are in the alphabet? 

You would automatically answer 26! But try to help your child to think deeper. The answer is 11!! How? How many letters are in the alphabet? - 11!


Have a go at some of these as a family!

  1. What gets wetter the more it dries? 
  2. When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look? 
  3. What can you catch but not throw? 
  4. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs? 
  5. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years? 
  6. It starts out tall, but the longer it stands, the shorter it grows.  What is it? 
  7. What goes up and never comes down? 
  8. I’m full of keys but I can’t open any door.  What am I? 
  9. Which is heavier, a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers? 
  10. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday? 

Answers are below!

Happy riddling with your family! 

Kylie Coker - Learning Specialist - English



A towel 


A candle


Because when you find it, you stop looking!


Your age


A cold


A piano


A clock


The same – a kilogram is a kilogram!


The letter M


Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.