Secondary Notices

“You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them by your strength to your holy abode” Exodus 15:13
Selfless Service
At Calrossy we value selfless service and our ANZAC Assembly was a wonderful reminder of this attribute as we paid tribute to our service men and women past and present. It was fantastic to see the Secondary School wearing their full winter uniform and blazer on Friday during our whole school assembly.
Routines for success
As Term 2 commences we remain committed to supporting our students to be successful by developing routines and behaviours that demonstrate their readiness to learn and grow. Now is the time in the term when we are encouraging students to be proactive by looking ahead and planning their term. Simple routines like using your school diary to record assessments and homework help students to plan ahead. All students are encouraged to lead their learning and ensure that they come to school ready to learn each day with all their resources including:
- Full school uniform (including blazer and formal hat)
- School Diary
- YONDR pouches
Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews
Reminder – The Year 7-9 Parent Teacher Interviews TODAY May 2nd will be held on the Brisbane Street Campus
Bookings for the interviews close at 12 noon TODAY May 2nd, and can be made through the Parent Portal section of The Hub. If you have any technical difficulties making a booking, please contact Calrossy IT Support
Year 7-12 Telephone Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday, May 9th. Bookings are currently open and will close at 12 noon on May 9th. Bookings can be made through the Parent Portal section of The Hub. If you have any technical difficulties making a booking, please contact Calrossy IT Support
As always, parents are encouraged to contact our classroom teachers directly at any time if they have any questions or concerns. This can be done by telephoning the school, or by email contact. Parent Teacher Interviews are just one way that parents can engage and participate in their child’s learning at Calrossy.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, May 2 - Parent Teacher Interviews (In person) Years 7-9. Please note these are on the Brisbane Street Campus.
- Wednesday, May 3 - Year 10 Vaccinations
- Monday, May 8 - Wingham Beef Week commences
- Tuesday, May 9 - Parent Teacher Interviews (over phone) Years 7-12
- Wednesday, May 10 - Mum and Me High Tea (4.30-6pm BSC Hall)
- Thursday, May 11 - Secondary Athletics Carnival
- Friday, May 19 - School Community Prayer Breakfast
- Friday, May 26 - House Music
- Saturday, June 3 - North West Equestrian Expo Commences
Calrossy Sports Dinner
Cattle Team at Sydney Show
It was another outstanding showing from our Cattle Team at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Well done to all the staff and students on their dedication and success.
Awards gained were:
In F001 School Parader Yasmin Jones came second in her class.
In F002 paraders representing our Zone:
- Audrey Bower won her class
- Eve Maloney came fourth
- Shakaya Fenton came fourth
- Mia Rasmussen came fourth
Open Steer class results were:
- Audrey Bower came fifth with her shorthorn bred by Ronellle Park shorthorns in the lightweight steer class. This steer came second in the carcass class and was awarded a silver medal as he received 91.63 points.
- Tegan Rhodes and Hayley Hodges both called out in the top 10 steers in a class of over 30 Steers.
- Ellie McCullough’s received a highly commended ribbon with her home bred steer. This steer made over $7kg in the auction. He came third in the Carcass class.
- Amelia Miller was called out in the top 10 for her steer class leading Calrossy Henry bred by Col McGilchrist. This steer went on to win the Virtual taste test award for his class.
- Bree Norrie was also called out in the top ten in a very string class leading CalrossyMicky Mouse bred by D and S Riley.
- Matthia Rudder was called out in the top 6 steers with Calrossy Roadrunner bred by Baylim Limousins. This steer went on to win the Virtual taste test award for his class.
- Reese Spencer-Ruddy was called out in the top 8 steers with Calrossy Porky bred by Baylim limousins.
- Mark Jones was called out in the top 10 also with Calrossy Foghorn bred by Sixpence Park Simmentals.
- Stirling Wheatley led Calrossy leghorn to receive 4th in the Trade class but this steer went on to win the Champion Trade Carcass award for 2023. Which he made $8.20cents /kg carcass weight and received $750 prizemoney.
In the Shorthorn Section:
- Madison Bailey led Kamilaroi Tori to win 1st Place in the heifer class
- Hannah Thurn led Kamilaroi Soptify to come 5th in his class
- Georgia Bailey led Kamilaroi Sunblock to win third in his class.
- Evy Walsh led Tori with Mia Rasmussen leading Selector and Zoe Rudder leading Sundance to come third in the sires progeny class.