Calrossy Junior School

This fortnight we are focusing on curiosity
Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. Proverbs 3:13
Children are infinitely more curious than adults – why is the sky blue, how many stars are in the sky, why do we have to go to school, why does a proper noun have a capital letter, why can’t I have a phone. Sometimes the questions are monotonous and relentless, but the curious questions are the ones we want to foster, develop and grow. There are two key
components to curious individuals:
1. They are interested in exploring new ideas, activities, and experiences, and
2. They also have a strong desire to increase their own personal knowledge.
Before we answer, ask a question back – what makes you curious about that? What do you
already know about that? Why do you ask? What makes you say that? Don’t be afraid to
talk through what you know, as an adult and what you’re thinking and then seek out other
sources. Google doesn’t have to be your one point of truth either. Direct children to a book
they’re read, person they know or activity that will help them discover more.
There is, however, more to curiosity than just asking questions. Consider what stimulates
your own curiosity, you don’t ask questions all the time, but activities can prompt a yearning for more knowledge: taking a walk, trying new foods, cooking a recipe, visiting an new place, playing a new game, meeting a new person.
Do something that sparks your curiosity this week – maybe it is as simple as taking a new
route home in the car.
It has been a wonderful start to the term. Our students represented Calrossy with pride and reverence at the ANZAC Day March and Service held at school. We had great results at the HRIS Cross Country, and I am so proud of all the runners who represented Calrossy.
I look forward to a wonderful term ahead. Have a wonderful week.
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School