Message from the Chaplain

Last week we began the new term, by looking back - to those who have gone before us, laying down their lives to preserve the freedom and quality of life that we’re privileged to enjoy here in Australia. Both on ANZAC Day last Tuesday, and at the Calrossy ANZAC Service last Friday, we made time to stop, honour and remember them and their deeds - in World War I, and in many wars since then.
Of many stories that I’ve heard at this time of the year, one that I’ve always remembered is about some troops who were
attempting to scale a hillside, with enemy soldiers holding their position at the top of the hill. A grenade came flying through the air, thrown from high above. It landed in the middle of a group of soldiers, and they had to make a split-second choice between two very hard options. There was just enough time to kick the grenade downhill, where it would explode and cause carnage among the group of soldiers just below.....However, one soldier chose the other, much more difficult option. He dived on top of the grenade, protecting his fellow soldiers – and giving his own life in the process. What a sacrifice!
We ended the last school term, with another story of sacrifice. In the story I’ve just recounted, I have no idea of that soldier’s name; nor how well that soldier knew his fellow soldiers, for whom he died. Even if they weren’t his personal friends, or mates, at the very least they were his allies! Things are different, though, when we come to the sacrifice of the Man Jesus - on behalf of many, many more people than a troop of soldiers. In the Bible we’re told that “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Christ died for those who were his enemies, so they could become his friends. That is a sacrifice even more significant – and memorable - than any ANZAC deed!
Rev. Mark Rundle
Calrossy Chaplain
The date of the next Calrossy Community Prayer Breakfast has been changed, from Friday 5th May toFriday 19th May.
The venue will be Room 108 on the Brisbane Street Campus; time will be 7.30-8.15am. Put the new date in your diaries now; and look out for further information in the next couple of weeks. Do plan to come along and be part of this great means of supporting our School community!