YEAR 9 and 10 Wilsons Prom Camp



I woke up still slightly tired but I had to get ready for what's approaching me ‘Wilsons Prom Camp’ I had breakfast, got myself ready and carried all of my essentials that I needed for this adventure inside Wilsons prom. I arrive at school at 8:30am had few chats with mates because I wasn’t going to be in school for 3 days once everyone arrived it was around 8:45 am so everyone put all their cold food in the 2 camp fridges to stay cold and all our luggage’s in the trailer, after all that was sorted we got counted off on the bus and we were all set and ready to go for the journey that awaits us all.



We stopped in a small town called Yarragon to stretch and grab something to eat and or go to the restrooms. So I grabbed a lolly bag just to get me through the rest of the bus ride which was only really like another 30 mins away. Once everyone had something to eat and do whatever they got to do, we got back on the bus to finish off the 30 min drive we had left. FINALLY we arrived at a campsite in Wilsons Prom only problem there was 2 other schools already there.


We all got off the bus, had a whole group discussion about tents and where girls' tents will be at and where the boys' tents will be at. After the conversation we grabbed our belongings and set up our tents and once we finished putting up our tents we put our luggage’s inside our tents but we had to leave our foods in the bus otherwise we would have unwanted visitors… No it's not other people from other schools haha, instead it was ‘wombats’.


Once we all got our stuff sorted we got put into 2 groups, group A and group B. I was put onto group A with a few of my friends, we got to go surfing first which I was happy about and everyone in group B did a little hike up the Lilly Pilly track first instead, so everyone in group A got changed into wetsuits, grabbed their boards and headed down to the beach to go surfing. When we all got down to the sand bank of the beach the waves were coming in massive because it was really windy on the first day so we all got really excited to just get in the ocean to go catch some massive waves. I’d say I did pretty good at finally standing on the board to catch some big waves.



 we all got called back to shore and the groups switched activities so we went back to our campsite to get changed and to get ready for the hike. Once we all got changed back into proper clothes our hiking journey started it was only a 30 min hike not that bad. We eventually got to a stopping point and Mr Watson showed us on the other side of the hike a massive mountain we were going to hike the very next day, yeah it looked really big and at that moment I thought to myself. “Tomorrow my legs are going to die on me before my brain  does.”


We got back to our campsite and started to make ourselves dinner on the Trangia’s. I heated up noodle’s with chicken in it and also salad as a side dish, absolutely amazing. My friend Ryan had pasta, it looked good, other’s had good smelling food too, we were all eating good that night, OH yeah the teachers had sausages and wondered if anyone had some tomato sauce so I got up and BOLTED to the bus to grab ketchup that I didn’t even use myself and ran back and gave it to them to use for their sausages. Mr Malcolm said in these exact words “Oh Mason we should give you extra points on your CAT for giving us some sauce”. So Malcolm if or when u read this I’ll be expecting those extra points!!


After we all finished dinner we headed to the outdoor cinema lets just say the food and drinks there weren't so cheap but yeah I shouted out like $30 worth of choc tops to people, not going to lie the movie Blueback, wasn't that bad and during the movie a damn wombat knocked itself into my leg so I lifted my leg so it can keep walking on through. The movie ended and we all had to go back to the campsite to get ready for bed.


Day 2 

I woke up before anyone else and waited for a few mins before deciding to go on a little 15 minute walk around our camp, seeing what's around in the area. Once I got back a few more people had woken up and we all had breakfast. Once it was 9 am we got onto the bus to then drive to the car park of Mt Oberon. It took us around an hour to get to the top to then stand or sit on the rocks to see the absolute beauty of a view of Wilsons Prom we stayed on top for 20 mins before heading back down the mountain, but when we started I somehow manage to smash my knee into the corner of a rock and yeah it really hurt but I got to the bottom just fine. When we did get to the bottom our bus was tightly blocked in between the car in front and behind, so we had to wait for the people who came in a rental commercial car to come back and move thankfully it didn’t take that long for the 3 people to come down and drive off. Yeah, the 3 men were pretty clueless on what they were doing.


We all got back on the bus and headed back to camp, Group A got to do surfing and Group B did a mini walk along the beach to a small lake. The waves this time weren’t so big and harder to catch so I caught more than I did on the first day which was really good for me. 1.5 hours went by so quickly that we all got back onto the shore and got changed yet again and now it was our turn for the walk along the beach and also went into the lake with a few rocks I had yet to realise but I eventually did when I swam into it but yeah it was good fun. Got back to the campsite we grabbed our torches and went for a night walk to Pillar Point and once we got to the top we climbed onto some rocks and got to watch the sunset. It was beautiful, then we went down the mountain to a massive whirlpool with a big splash and Squeaky Beach. We stayed there for a good 20 mins until we headed back to camp and back to sleep for the final day at Wilsons Prom.


Day 3 

We woke up and Mr Malcolm and Mr Watson demonstrated how to pack up our tents. We got all of our stuff out of our tents and took down our tents and put them back in its bag and we also put our Luggage’s back into the trailer and some of us headed down to the beach to go surfing one last time while the rest of us were on the beach just chilling and playing games for a good hour. Once it was all finished we got back onto the bus and started to make our way back to school, along the way back we had choices of McDonalds, KFC or Subway so we all went to whatever one we wanted and ate it on the bus for the trip back. When we got back we got all our belongings, washed the wetsuits and new rash vests, put the Trangia’s away and we all went home. That was my experience at Wilsons Prom.


Mason Brown