Acting Principal's Message-
Shaun Doherty
Acting Principal's Message-
Shaun Doherty
Being the Acting Principal of McClelland College over the past nine months has been an absolute privilege. To be a leader of this outstanding organisation and to play a role in supporting the students and staff at the college has given me a great sense of pride. I want to acknowledge and thank the range of leaders across the college that have taken on several Acting roles in Amadeo’s absence, including Jodie McCabe, Andrew Hemsley, Danielle Harry, Kaitlyn Karadeas, Laura Murphy, Dan Carlton, Michael Burrows and Brad Gauci. Without the experience and depth in the team of staff at McClelland College, we would not have been able to continue to progress the way we have.
We look forward to Amadeo’s return to the college from the beginning of Term 2 - following his role as a Senior Education Improvement Leader with the Department in Term 3 and 4 last year and his support of a school as Acting Principal in Term 1.
Many of you may have heard of the successful Open Night event we held at the college on Tuesday, 28th March. The evening ran exceptionally smoothly, with over 150 student helpers and all teaching staff in attendance. With over 550 guests attending the event, the evening was a huge success and showcased what we have to offer at the college. Thank you to everyone who supported the night, including those who recommended us to other families.
Following our School Review last year, we decided to create a Leadership Position to further enhance and support our Academic Excellence and Extension programs and initiatives across the college. Monique Riley was appointed to this position late this term and will join the college’s Leadership Team in this newly created role. We look forward to sharing more information about this role in the coming year.
A reminder to parents and carers, that whilst the cleaners may open the school gates quite early in the mornings, teachers are not on duty until 8:30am each morning so student supervision is not possible prior to that time.
As communicated through Compass this week, Monday, the 24th of April, will be a Professional Practice Day for Staff. Students will begin Term 2 classes on Wednesday, the 26th April. Further information can be found on Compass (News Feed).
I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming break. Stay safe and we will see you next term.