Education in Faith 

Caritas Coin Line and Tower

All throughout Term One classes steadily collected donations for their Caritas Box. 

Project Compassion's 2023 theme is For All Future Generations with funds being raised contributing to programs and initiatives in countries such as Nepal, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Australia aimed at education and setting up positive and sustainable practices able of being carried on into the future. Information about these programs can be found on the Project Compassion website, which students at school also read through during class sessions. 


In the final week of Term One every class gathered together for our Caritas Coin Line and Tower Competition. Classes dumped all their coins on the floor and got to work! There was one prize for the class with the longest line of coins, and one prize for the class who was able to construct the tallest freestanding tower. 


Congratulations to 3/4 TO for winning the longest coin line! 

Congratulations to 5/6 MN for winning the tallest coin tower! 


Both of these classes enjoyed a frozen treat as their prize! 


Winning prizes is fun, but all of our students know that we do not raise money for this reason. The coin line and tower serve as an important visual to the wonderful generosity of our St Anthony's community. Standing in our Padua Pavilion with coins everywhere we could easily see lots of money had been raised for such a brilliant cause! 


We thank all parents and families again for their generosity! Social Justice is such an important cornerstone of Catholic Education and the opportunity to help others in need. 


All together throughout Term One, we collected just over nine hundred dollars in donations! What an achievement! As it says in Psalms, "Blessed is the one who considers the poor!" We bless our wonderful community! 

Holy Week Presentations 

In the build up to the celebration of Easter, all classes in the school delved into the events of Holy Week, which was capped off by a whole school celebration. We thank all parents who were able to come and watch and support! This ceremony included prayer, song and students acting out key scenes. 


Prep, One and Two: Palm Sunday

Three and Four: The Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane 

Five and Six: The Stations of the Cross 


Students completed this process reverently and expertly presented on the events in the lead up to the crucifixion of Jesus. 


We hope all of our families enjoyed Easter as celebrated over the holidays (including a little bit of chocolate!) 


Today as a school we gathered together once more to pray and celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and the great joy that this brings. 

An Easter Prayer

We are grateful to be back at school and see the smiling faces of all of our students. We continue to pray for peace and for everyone in our community. 


Take care everyone! 


Tim O'Mahoney 

Education in Faith Leader