Late Night Live with Phillip Adams

Phillip Adams is a doyen of Australian broadcasting. In 1991 he became the presenter of ABC Radio National's Late Night Live, interviewing guests on a wide range of topics including politics, science, philosophy, history and culture. The one hour program goes to air every Monday – Thursday at 10.00 pm. A guest on his March 14 edition was an Old Virgiian – Dr Ben Arthur, who is a marine ecologist, science communicator and Director of the Macquarie Island Conservation Foundation.  


The interview focused on the Australian Government’s plans to protect a marine area the size of Germany around Macquarie Island. We reflect on the island’s torrid history, its remarkable recovery and its new threats. 


The episode entitled The Grisly History of Macquarie Island is still available on the Late Night Live  website.


Pictured top: King penguin colony on Macquarie Island, Tasmania, Australia.

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