From the President  

David Mazengarb 

Dear Old Virgilians,


I am pleased to be writing to you as the new President of the Old Virgillians Association.


At the Annual General Meeting on 28 March 2023, the committee welcomed one new member and retained a number of those who have already contributed for several years. Welcome to Chris Wright as a new member of your committee.


Your Committee comprises the following office bearers and Committee members:

President – David Mazengarb

Secretary – Graeme Rainbow

Treasurer – Michael Harvey

Member – Paul Boutchard

Member – Corey Bygraves

Member – Zac Piesse

Member – Chris Wright

Member – Bruce Woods


During the last 12 months the committee has been saddened by the loss of both Mark Waddington and Tony Rainbow who both individually and collectively did so much great work for OVA. Quite simply, neither of them can be replaced and they leave a great hole for us to fill as well as our heartfelt loss of their passing.


The strength of the OVA is that when we are men down others step up and I can see that emergence on a number of fronts.


Zac Piesse has relinquished the position of President in view of a change in employment and the associated demands since accepting that position in 2022. However, he has opted to remain on the committee for which I am greatly appreciative. The Association is grateful for his service as President during a rather turbulent year.


Michael Harvey has again accepted the position of Treasurer (having done so for several years) on the basis that the Committee will seek to recruit another suitably skilled person to relieve him of the Treasurer role as soon as practical.  


There a couple of vacancies on the Committee - please consider! Furthermore, Graeme Rainbow and Bruce Woods feel they are getting to their ‘used by date’ and would willingly step aside if younger Virgilians made themselves available. 


During the last 12 months and for the year to date the Committee has been focusing on its role in the St Virgil’s Community and the best way/s OVA can deliver outcomes to Old Virgillians and the College itself. We are seeking to establish closer ties with the College and have commenced a process of engagement.


I see the OVA has having the single largest and most influential membership base across the College network and harnessed collectively it should be able to provide some great outcomes. To define those outcomes your Committee will be using every opportunity to consult with the membership over the next 12 months so that we are clear on your views as how OVA can and should contribute to the future of the College. I urge you to participate openly at any opportunity you have to provide your thoughts on how OVA can effectively contribute to the College.  There will be a number of events where you can voice your views, and I strongly encourage you to do so.

Diary Entries

OVA Luncheon

Tuesday May 2,12.00 pm 

Maypole Hotel, New Town 

Cost $30 includes a two course meal (broad selection).

Gather a few mates together and help make this a successful gathering.

Bookings are essential (minimum number 25) by Friday April 28 to  or 0467 514 667.


Melbourne Reunion

Saturday August 19, 6.30 pm

RACV City Club

To make a success of this event the Association asks that intending attendees indicate their intention by end of April to  or 0467 514 667 so that the Association can determine how best to proceed.

The May edition of OVAtion will convey a summary of responses and will provide the actual booking process for the event.


In addition to those opportunities (which only survey the members that can attend), I will be seeking the views of all members and will provide other means of receiving input into the OVA’s future directions. I will speak of these in the next edition of the newsletter because everyone’s voice needs to be heard irrespective of whether they can attend the social events noted above.


Best wishes for the month ahead.
