Spotlight on Curious Learning

Curious Learning in Year 5..

In Term 2, Year 5 are reading the novel ‘Two Wolves’ by Tristan Bancks. So far we have only read a few chapters, but everyone in Year Five is very curious to find out more about Ben Silver, his smart little sister Olive and their suspicious parents.


This book takes place on the border of Queensland and New South Wales. Suddenly, the police arrive at the Silver household while their parents are not home. After the parents come home, they say that they are going on a surprise holiday. Mr and Mrs Silver do many suspicious things before going on this holiday, such as not packing, changing cars, new haircuts and clothes. The parents suddenly say on the drive that they were going to the cabin. The kids, Ben and Olive, get a little suspicious since they have never left their suburb for thirteen years.


Ben likes making stop motion movies mainly on the topic of crime. Ben’s little sister, Olive, may only be seven, but she is really smart since she has read The Hobbit and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, all by herself. Ben and Olive’s dad works at the car wreckers. The dad has a chipped tooth which Ben says it makes him look like a rat. Ben and Olive’s mum owns the car wreckers company. People said she could have been a super model, but since Ben was born, that idea became a fantasy.


We can’t wait to keep reading this thrilling novel to find out what happens…


(Wade P, Natasha K and Taj D)

Book of the Week

This is a truly beautiful book that has been warmly embraced by our Year 3 students with whom it has been shared. We all loved the text - which has the effect of being both soothing and gentle. Kirli's lyrical and poetic words are so superbly matched by Dub's visually eloquent illustrations. Indigenous words are integrated seamlessly into the English text to create this bilingual cultural celebration. The glossary and pronunciation guide provide non-Indigenous readers the opportunity to learn some Gundungurra. This book will enrich readers’ understanding and respect of Indigenous culture, history, language and Dreaming.


Shortlisted for Picture Book of the Year 2023 (Children’s Book Council of Australia)

Year 6 Environmental team 

We are the Year 6 Environment team and we are writing to ask for help renovating our OLF vegetable gardens and chook house. We need help from:

  • Builders, who can make our chook shed safe again.
  • Chook experts, who can share their knowledge on how to help look after them. 
  • Gardeners- We have donations of plants and vegetables but need help cleaning out and planting our garden. 

We are planning a working bee and will be hopefully setting up a roster for our volunteers. 


Please email or call the school office  9524 7283 if you are able to help us in any way. 


The Year 6 Environmental Team