Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

Mother's Day Liturgy

You are invited to come along to our Mother's Day Liturgy which will be held on the top playground on Friday 12th May. The Liturgy will be led by Year 3 and promises to be a beautiful celebration of all our wonderful Mums and ‘mother’ figures. The Liturgy will take place at 9.15 am. 


Following the Liturgy you are invited to join us for a relaxing morning tea on Fatima Forum! We look forward to seeing you and celebrating and thanking God for the gift of ‘Mums’. 

Grade Masses

During the term, grades 3 -6 have the opportunity to attend the 9.15 Friday Parish Mass. You are most welcome to attend any of these Masses and to join in celebrating the Eucharist with whatever grade is attending on that day. 

The dates for the grade Masses this term are: 

Year 6 : Friday 5th May

Year 4 : 19th May and 30 June

Year 5:  26th May and 23rd June

Year 3:  9th June


Father Julian’s special  Birthday Mass

On Wednesday 31st May students in Years 7 and 8 from De La Salle College and students in Years 4 and 6 from OLF will be celebrating a special Birthday Mass for Fr Julian at 12.00pm. You are all most welcome to attend this Mass and join in the celebrations. 


The Church Liturgical Season of Easter 

The Church Liturgical Season of Easter extends from fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday - 28th May. During this season you will notice that in classroom prayer spaces and in the Church the colour of vestments and cloths has changed from purple to white or gold. These colours represent joy and festivity. White also symbolises the Resurrection. 



The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday 18th June at 12 and 2pm.


Please note the following dates:



Finally, have a wonderful fortnight everyone ! 


Happy Mothers’ Day for the 14th May !


Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator