News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear parents and carers,


I am delighted to welcome you all back for Term 2. I hope everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable break and is ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the new term. We begin this term with a renewed focus on academic excellence, personal growth, and community engagement. Our teachers have been working hard to prepare exciting and engaging learning experiences that will challenge and inspire our students. We encourage all students to make the most of these opportunities and to seek out support and feedback from their teachers if needed.


As we prepare for the term ahead I invite you to take note of some of the significant events planned (please note that more details will follow). It promises to be a term full of exciting learning experiences that will highlight a sense of curiosity and community in us all!

  • ANZAC Day Dawn Service + Liturgy ( Week 1)
  • Cross Country event ( Week 1)
  • School Photos ( Week 2)
  • Athletics Carnival( Week 3)
  • Mother’s Day events- craft afternoon, stall, Liturgy, morning tea and open classrooms (Week 3)
  • Open Parachute SEL Program Parent Session Friday 19th May ( Week 4)
  • Interschool Sports Program- Stage 3 (Weeks 3, 4, 5)
  • Interschool Sports Program- Year 4 ( Week 10)
  • Inquiry and Review - SCS Strategic School Improvement process (Week 5)
  • Wellbeing Incursion Performance K-6
  • Kindergarten Excursion to Symbio Friday 2nd June (Week 6)
  • Staff Development Day- Focus on Spirituality - Tuesday 13th June (Week 8)
  • Sacrament of Confirmation- Year 6 Sunday 18th June ( Week 8)
  • Kindergarten 2024 Enrolments and Interviews (Ongoing all term)
  • Fatima Friends- Pre-schoolers + Toddler time ( Friday mornings)
  • Half Yearly Reports and Parent Teacher interviews-Wednesday 28th June ( Week 10)

Last week’s Staff Development Day gave the staff the opportunity to come together as a professional learning community to look at co-creating a “Vision for Learning”. It was a really affirming process where we looked at why and how we do things at Our Lady of Fatima. We were able to reflect on what good teaching and learning looks like, feels like and sounds like. Over time we aim to agree upon a set of guiding principles and belief statements that reflects our vision and mission statements. The whole school “Vision for Learning” statement will be critically informed by and demonstrate a deep understanding of contemporary educational practice and be aligned to pedagogy that authentically positions students at the centre of learning.


Congratulations to Ms Hayley Wilson, Ms Dominique Vauran and Mr Tom Gair on their graduation as accredited primary school teachers on Tuesday. We are very proud of our graduating teachers and their energy, willingness to learn and how positively they are contributing to the life and learning community at Our Lady of Fatima.


I  take this opportunity to remind everyone of our commitment to fostering a strong sense of community, both within our school and in the wider community. We encourage all students to get involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that are planned, and to seek out opportunities to make a positive impact in their community.


In conclusion, I want to wish all students, parents, and staff a successful and rewarding term. Let us continue to work together to achieve excellence, personal growth and community engagement at Our Lady of Fatima. 


Let us remember that the Easter season is a time for celebration in our Church. It  continues for 50 days and concludes with the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and finally with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.


Let us continue to be Easter people and live out Pope Francis’ Easter messages where he says: 

“ May we allow ourselves to experience amazement at the joyful proclamation of Easter, at the light that illuminates the darkness and the gloom in which, all too often, our world finds itself enveloped. Let us make haste to surmount our conflicts and divisions, and to open our hearts to those in greatest need.”


Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all our mums. grandmothers and all those special women in our lives on Sunday!


Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal