Teaching and Learning

Karen Whelan, Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning

Welcome back

Welcome back for Term 2. I hope that you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable break and are feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges that the new term will bring.  

Term 2 Staff Day – Professional Learning and Curriculum Documentation 

The start of a new term provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on our teaching and learning practices, and to consider how we can continue to improve and enhance the educational experience for all our students. Last week our teaching staff returned on Monday to participate in professional learning sessions and to work collaboratively within their team learning areas to continue to develop curriculum documentation. Both professional learning sessions were presented by our knowledgeable and experienced staff. The first session on Assessments and Performance was presented by our school counsellor Charlotte Edmonds and addressed how it is that stress and anxiety levels can impact students’ performance when they complete assessments. 


Charlotte’s session focused on the symptoms that might appear, potential causes and practical strategies that students and teachers can use to support test anxiety. The second session was delivered by our experienced English as an Additional Language (EAL) specialist teachers Naomi Henry (Junior School) and Guenter Brook (Senior School). This session focused on how it is that teachers can further meet the needs of our EAL students within their classrooms. This session helped teachers to build upon their understanding of the diverse needs of EAL learners, the difficulties that these students may face and how it is we as teachers are able to further support them. 

Return of Students 

It is with great delight that we welcomed back our students last Wednesday. The focus for our students last week was to settle back into the school routine and revisit their positive learning habits. Teachers have encouraged them to reflect on their progress from Term 1 and identify areas where they can improve for this term. 


Our teachers continue to work on maintaining a positive classroom culture, building relationships with students, and setting clear expectations and goals for the term ahead. We believe that creating a safe and supportive learning environment is essential for fostering academic success, and we are committed to ensuring that every student feels valued, respected, and motivated to learn. 


As we begin the new term, I remind parents and caregivers of the importance of regular communication with teachers. If you have any questions or concerns about your daughter's progress, please don't hesitate to reach out to their teacher. 

I wish all our students and families a successful and productive term ahead.

Karen Whelan

Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning/Psychology