Chaplaincy news 

Claire Cheeseman, School Chaplain

Prayer for Term 2 

Almighty God, from whom all truth and peace proceed, we pray for our school as it begins Term 2. We thank you for the break, time to spend with family and celebrate traditions including Easter and Passover. We know for many Term 2 is often the busiest and most tiring so we ask for strength and sustained energy as we move from that time of rest straight back into action. 


We pray for each staff member who offers their knowledge and efforts to Shelford, may you bless them with balance, rest, motivation and strength as they pursue their calling here. We pray for each student, continue to build up strong leaders through this school, women who speak up and advocate for others. Help all students to be leaders who are loving, humble and full of compassion.   



Passover Service

On the final day of Term 1 the Senior students celebrated Easter and Passover in our Passover Service where Faith Captain, Dani and her friends Bella and Zara shared about Jewish traditions, faith and customs. This included a retelling of the Exodus story to explain the history behind Passover.  


Mark Juers from Oaktree Anglican came as a guest speaker to share on the topic of true freedom. If the Exodus story is about freedom, what does freedom look like for us today? He shared that freedom looks like service to others, not to keep reaching up, but to reach down for others who haven’t made it to freedom yet. 

True service is exemplified in Jesus Christ who dies for many to bring them up into a personal relationship with God.  

The Service concluded with giving out hot hand towels to offer a model of service in a small way to bless us all as we began the holidays.  

Junior School Services

Across the rest of this Term all parents are invited to join the Junior School for Chapel at 2.30pm in St Mary’s Oaktree Church. This is an opportunity for parents to see what is done in Chapel times and enjoy a peaceful ending to the school week with your daughter/s. 


The dates are as follows:

  • 12th May 
  • 26th May 
  • 8th June (in the School Hall) 

Claire Cheeseman

School Chaplain