Grade 4

Term One History: The journeys of significant world navigators, explorers or traders.

During the last week of term one, grade four students went to Polly Woodside. First, we were split into groups. I was thrilled with the group I was in! Then, we went into where the crew slept. Did you know that they switch? One group would stay in the cabin and rest while the others went out and did jobs and then they would switch.  Next, we explored the other jobs such as; scrubbing the deck, looking out for danger, steering the ship, climbing the rigging to look for danger or fix the sails and fixing the cargo but the most important job was being the captain.  I had a blast! 

By Isabella Borg



                                        Polly Woodside


Captain Cook's Cottage Fitzroy Gardens

Captain Cooks Cottage
Captain Cooks Cottage