Library News

with Mrs Nackovski


Library Monitors

Congratulations to Abigail, Izaak, Brenden, Kaden and Sophie from 5/6BG and Phillip and Leah from 4/5L who were chosen as library monitors after a job application process. They will be helping students with locating, borrowing and returning books on the Oliver Library catalogue and making sure that the library books are kept in order.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

All students in Years 3-6 are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. The Challenge runs to 18 August 2022. Students need to read 20 books (10 books from their Challenge list and 10 free choice books) and record them onto their Reading Logs. All children that have completed the Challenge will receive a certificate from the Premier of NSW.

Kinder to Year 2 students will have 30 books read to them by their teachers and will automatically receive a smaller Premier’s Reading Challenge certificate. However, it is strongly encouraged that independent readers from Year 2 try to complete the Challenge themselves by reading 20 books from their Challenge list and 10 free choice books.

For a full list of what books are in the Challenge, go to the Premier’s Reading Challenge website at:

For a list of Challenge books in our school library, access your child’s student portal at: and navigate to Oliver Library. Students will need to know their usernames and passwords to access the library page.



Library Refurbishment

Students and staff are enjoying the new library furniture and all the reading and work spaces available for learning. It is a wonderful, comfortable  environment where all students borrow books and read and develop their research and technology skills by using chrome books.